Tarot Reading

Understanding Tarot Reading

Tarot reading is a practice which uses a pack of 78 cards for revealing information concerning a person’s life, from personal growth, relationships, to decision-making. This ancient method has evolved much through the centuries; it has started as a game of cards, but eventually grew into a tool for divination and self-reflection.

Historical Origins of Tarot

The history of tarot begins in mid-15th century Italy where the earliest decks were designed to play games. These cards were originally called trionfi and contained four suits that are equivalent to those used today, but included a fifth suit that consisted of 21 trump cards and another card called il matto (the Fool) [1][5]. Tarot fortune-telling began during the late 18th century, fueled by French occultists when they assigned to the cards even deeper meanings

Structure of Tarot Cards

The standard tarot deck is usually segmented into two parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

  • Major Arcana: A group of 22 cards that symbolize big events and lessons in life. Each card is full of symbolism, so it’s usually translated to represent significant themes within an individual’s life.
  • Minor Arcana: This comprises 56 cards divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles (or Coins). Each suit represents an aspect of daily life:
  • Wands: Represents action and ambition.
  • Cups: These are associated with emotions and relationships.
  • Swords: This tarot card symbolizes conflict and intellect.
  • Pentacles: These are associated with material aspects and finances

How Tarot Reading Works

The tarot reader asks the querent (the person inquiring) to shuffle the deck while thinking about their question or situation. The reader will then lay the cards out in a pattern referred to as a “spread.” Each card’s placement in the spread and its orientation, whether it is upright or reversed, has a bearing on how that card should be interpreted.

Some common spreads include:
Three-Card Spread: This is the most common spread for simple questions regarding past, present, and future.

Celtic Cross: A more complex spread that provides more in-depth information on various aspects of a situation.

Modern Uses of Tarot

Today, tarot readings have not only become popular as a method of divination but also as a tool for personal development. For most people, the art of tarot is a catalyst for introspection, looking into sub-conscious states of mind, and overall clarity on issues one faces. Online communities have expanded access to tarot reading materials, making a forum to share experiences across the globe.

This is a rich tradition that combines history, art, and psychology in tarot readings. Whether one treats it as a game or a spiritual practice, it can give an additional perspective on the complexity of life. And so, as people still consider self-improvement amid an ever-changing world, tarot remains current and relevant for guidance and understanding.